All posts by gael newton

AMBER and Cartier-Bresson

c7b1f2d401a21cb4c9dfc7e772b823d4_186d0bf534faee4cd2e5fa2ee976ba5c661x981_quality99_o_19oqhuq0rgfpbvq1pur13no5qmaA great and arguably under-celebrated social documentary collection in the UK is having a major retrospective in its home city of Newcastle upon Tyne, in the north-east of England. Forever Amber, celebrating the work of the Amber Film and Photography Collective, opens at the city’s Laing Art Gallery today (27 June-19 September).

Click on image for the notice or click here for the gallery site

The curatorial crypt

Steve McCurry — Sharbat Gula

743ceafe-66bb-4f83-a4ae-ebf4bf9c9480-1360x2040A sad story indeed about the woman in the famous Steve McCurry/National Geographic photograph. The original photograph was a 1984 cover for National Geographic.

There’s a 2015 report that Sharbat Gula, the subject of the original photograph, is in trouble because she remains a refugee from Afghanistan, but was carrying a Pakistan identify card.

Please click on the image to the right for the link to the story.