Tonight was the successful launch of the exhibition of the vintage photographs by Harold Cazneaux.
Rediscovering Cazneaux
Harold Cazneaux exhibition
Wei Leng Tay—The Other Shore
Click on image for the exhibition details at China In The World (ANU)
Edward S. Curtis
Helen Muspratt
Elton John’s Photos at the Tate
International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day 2016
Mansplaining a qualification for being a federal bloke
another male federal politician, another of Malcolm Turnbull’s chosen boys, demonstrates how being patronizing to women must be a qualification for being in the Turnbull government.
Continue reading Mansplaining a qualification for being a federal bloke
National Gallery Singapore
Shimmer at the Wollongong City Gallery
Photographs of 1930s China by Stanley O. Gregory
Out of Sight
Click on the image above for a link to the pdf of the article by Gael Newton previously published as one of the papers from a seminar held in Melbourne in 2012. Continue reading Out of Sight
Singapore International Photography Festival 2016
Helen Levitt at Laurence Miller
Witches both mad and bad: a loaded word with an ugly history
From The Conversation, Michelle Smith, Deakin University
Over the weekend, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton inadvertently sent a text message calling journalist Samantha Maiden a “mad f—ing witch” to Maiden herself, rather than his intended recipient, fellow MP Jamie Briggs.
Continue reading Witches both mad and bad: a loaded word with an ugly history
New Zealand photography at Te Papa
New Zealand photography
The Canadian Photography Institute
NGA Photography: The world is beautiful
Opening 4th December 2015: The world is beautiful
Peace for Paris
Philippe Halsman at Jeu de Paume
Germaine Krull
World Photobook Day 2015
Andrew Sayers
Women photographers
The fight to gain equity in the recognition of women in the art world just keeps on having to be repeated. The historical biases just do not go away.
But then along comes something that is really strange.
The V&A and Indian textiles
Monash Gallery of Art & Bowness 2015
The MGA has announced Joseph McGlennon as the winner of the 2015 Bowness prize.
There’s an online video made before the announcement — Guardian Australian photo editor Jonny Weeks and photographer Mike Bowers discuss the entires and their picks for the winners. click here.
Marion Boyce
A visit to Rippon Lea (Melbourne) to see the wonderful exhibition of costumes produced by Marion Boyce for the ABC program Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.
Photojournalist Esther Bubley
Obiturary Rose Farrell 1949 – 2015
It with great sadness that we heard that our friend Rose Farrell died recently. There’s a very good piece about Rose written by Robert Nelson — click here.
Photographic Portraits from West Africa
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
In and Out of the Studio
Photographic Portraits from West Africa
August 31, 2015–January 3, 2016
Click image for link to the museum — or for ArtDaily — click here
The Gift of the Daguerreotype
Anne Summers reports
Julia Margaret Cameron
After taking up photography at fifty-eight, Julia Margaret Cameron produced a remarkable and distinctive body of work, writes Richard Johnstone (The Inside Story). Click here for Richard’s review of the exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales — click here for the gallery link.
national gallery singapore
Joel Meyerowitz
Jeffrey Milstein
ArtNews + Art in America
As art publication struggle along with other hard copy magazines, there’s interesting news about how ARTnews and Art in America are to merge to form the world’s largest art-media company.
Singapore Photography
An Update on the Australian Centre for Photography (Sydney). There was a story previously about the ACP moving. This was not quite correct. The ACP is not necessarily moving west as all options are still being considered as to where it could be located in the future.
30 Asian Photographers
Visual Arts Singapore
There’s an announcement online about a new art fair to be held in January at the same time as Art Stage Singapore, Click on the image for more on this.
Australian Centre for Photography
Hot Gossip: The ACP to move west and will be soon looking for a new Director. The news being circulated around Sydney is that the ACP has made its decision to move from Paddington and to move to the western suburbs, to Parramatta. This will definitely require a change to the organisation and some of its programs.
Vincent photographed?
AMBER and Cartier-Bresson
A great and arguably under-celebrated social documentary collection in the UK is having a major retrospective in its home city of Newcastle upon Tyne, in the north-east of England. Forever Amber, celebrating the work of the Amber Film and Photography Collective, opens at the city’s Laing Art Gallery today (27 June-19 September).
Click on image for the notice or click here for the gallery site
Head On Photography
Mary Ellen Mark
Photographer Mary Ellen Mark Dies — two reports: On from npr online — click here. Another from the New York Times — click here
AGNSW Sydney Modern Project
Visual Arts Singapore
Trans Asia Photography Review
Review: Ars Orientalis 43 (2013)
Anne Summers Reports
The Curatorial Crypt
Isabella Bird
The Photograph and Australia
The Curatorial Crypt
A Week in photography (care of Artdaily)
Kate Breakey at the Michener Art Museum
Click on image for more
Ian North
Exhibition Notice
Ian North, East Antarctica 1915, Greenaway Art Gallery
Ian North’s latest exhibition is at the Greenaway Art Gallery, Adelaide, till April 26; Click here for the link to the gallery site. Click here for a review on The Conversation
The Curatorial Crypt
click on the links below for items of curatorial interest
Betty Churcher
Maggie Diaz
Photography at Manning Clark House
From the media statement: Maggie Diaz arrived in Australia on a one-way ticket in 1961, (a divorce gift from her Australian husband) and soon established herself as one of Melbourne’s leading commercial photographers.
Known for her expertise in using available light, Diaz had a genius for capturing character and situation.
The Photograph and Australia
Exhibition Notice
A must see exhibition at the Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney, till 8 June 2015
Between – Picturing 1950–1960s Taiwan
Exhibition Notice
Between – Picturing 1950–1960s Taiwan
ANU Australian Centre on China in the World till 3 April 2015
George Silk
Trent Parke: Black Rose
40 Photographs 40 Years
A Celebration by Galerie Kicken Berlin — 40 years of exhibitions and support of photography through an exhibition of 40 photographs.
Wonderful to see this gallery continuing to promiote the medium and the artists. Well done Galerie Kicken (not to get an plane ticket to get to Berlin!)
The curatorial crypt
UK Bans Export of Album
The photography dealers and collectors are constantly buying and selling historic photographs across international boarders.
The curatorial crypt
Steve McCurry — Sharbat Gula
A sad story indeed about the woman in the famous Steve McCurry/National Geographic photograph. The original photograph was a 1984 cover for National Geographic.
There’s a 2015 report that Sharbat Gula, the subject of the original photograph, is in trouble because she remains a refugee from Afghanistan, but was carrying a Pakistan identify card.
Please click on the image to the right for the link to the story.
Equity at the movies
Belfast Photo Festival
The curatorial crypt
Singapore Lambert
The sale price of a Singapore photograph, by G R Lambert
Having retired from the National Gallery of Australia* and now working on Southeast Asian commissions as a consultant, I observed the sale of a recent ebay auction item, SINGAPORE dated 1900, Named China Man Inscribed Cabinet Photo by GR Lambert.
NGA Contemporary
National Gallery of Australia/ Contemporary
This new exhibition space down by the lakeside opened in September 2014. See information below the images — these taken from the first exhibition.
New NGA Senior Curator of Photography
Shaune Lakin, The New NGA Senior Curator of Photography
At the end of an exhibition seminar in August at the Monash Gallery of Art, as the NGA Senior Curator of Photography who was about to finish in that role, I handed on the baton and all the challenges to my replacement, the new NGA Senior Curator of Photography (from October), Shaune Lakin (previously The MGA Director).
Monash Gallery of Art
Prize winner at Monash Gallery of Art
Petrina Hicks wins the 2014 Bowness Photography Prize
2014 Singapore International Photography Festival
Notice: 2014 Singapore Photography Festival
This festival has been a success in the past. This year’s program is looking even better.
Continue reading 2014 Singapore International Photography Festival
James Turrell at the NGA
Notice: NGA Visual Arts Exhibition
Opening 13 December 2014 is a retrospective of the work of James Turrell. The NGA had a major work of James Turrell, Within without, installed in 2010 as part of the new gardens off the front entrance a few years ago.
The coming retrospective will offer a five decade survey of this American artist’s works — click here.
Photography at the NGA
Lee Grant
Notice: Photographic Artist, Lee Grant
Here’s a link to one of the many photographers whose work I have admired for quite a while now. I can highly recommend a visit to her website and to see what her recent projects have been. Click here.
Shades of Light
Publication: Shades of Light online
I have published online a version of my 1988 book Shades of Light.
This is accessed through my other website, photo-web. One day soon I hope to update this with some images and more links.
Please click here to visit this publication.