Category Archives: Equity

Research at Monash University

Doing research for a colleague

We had a fun day today doing some research. We headed across Melbourne to Monash University Clayton Campus to view a document for a colleague. This is what we like doing now that we are in Melbourne — doing research favours for colleagues.

Continue reading Research at Monash University

Oceania: From Melbourne to Papeete

Revisiting  a 2019 entry to an exhibition catalogue

This piece was a difficult piece to write. The requirement was to survey 19th century photography across the Pacific in a few hundred words. Many hours were spent reducing the entry and making decisions on what to leave out — reluctantly!   If I ever find the time I may revisit this and make it a much longer piece with all the extras inserted back in. Wishful thinking maybe? Here’s the original piece.

Rod McNicol, The Roses 2024

On Our Collections

When we moved, we dispersed some of our collections and said to ourselves that we should not buy any more. Then we saw this wonderful new work by Rod McNicol.

A previous notice for this was posted on Facebook — but their algorithm removed it.  We have a theory.   Click here for the original piece on our website

Hélène Hoppenot

Following my research, collection acquisitions and exhibition on Southeast Asian photography while at the National Gallery of Australia, in 2014 I wrote a piece about Hélène Hoppenot and 1930s women modernist photographers in Southeast Asia. Till now this essay has been unpublished. It is now online — click here — more or less unchanged from the 2014 version with a few notes and links added.


International Women’s Day 2023

Enjoying a morning cuppa  in a quiet place in our garden — wearing suffragette colours to celebrate International Women’s Day and the legion of awesome women photographers past and present I have encountered in my curatorial career.

The theme this year is #EmbraceEquity. There are so many gains but still so stubborn a gap in equity, is it time for militancy???

Here’s to all of you — enjoy the day wherever you are…



Parting With Your Art — Women:s Art Register

A Guide for Australian Artists

I have uploaded a page about the Women:s Art Register and their very handy publication Leaving Your Legacy: A Guide for Australian Artists.

The guide is a comprehensive starting point — and the organisation is definitely worth supporting. Click here.

Re-constructed Vision

Contemporary work with photography 25th July-23rd August, 1981

Over the recent years I have been searching through my archives for articles and essays that we have since published on our web-site. I had overlooked one exhibition. That was the 1981 Project Gallery exhibition Re-constructed Vision: Contemporary work with photography at the Art Gallery of New South Wales.

It is now uploaded to our web site.

Curators and Photography

Have uploaded to our photo-web site a special section on the first photography curators — Australian that is.   We have listed four: Jennie Boddington, Ian North, Gael Newton (me!), and Alan Davies. The listings for Jennie and myself include 1983 interviews by the Australian Centre of Photography. These are very long!  (you have been warned)

Click here for the link.

If you know of any other useful online material on these people, please make contact.

Australian Feminist Photography

Indecent Exposures:
Twenty Years of Australian Feminist Photography

My 1994 review of Indecent Exposures: Twenty Years of Australian Feminist Photography by Catriona Moore, Allen & Unwin in association with the Power Institute of Fine Art, Sydney  — click here


For the list of my essays (being updated) click here