by David Millar
This book is one man's view of Australia, albeit mainly within the confines of the state of New South Wales. Although the works may be specific in their subject matter, they can be generalized in their application without in any sense violating their intent.
The prints chosen are a selection from the several thousand then held by W. T. Tyrrell of Crows Nest. I am grateful for his co-operation and hospitable treatment of my requests. It is rare to have an opportunity to tap such a vast, yet almost virgin collection — a spectacular remnant of Edwardian photography not yet in a public institution.
The collection has recently been purchased by Consolidated Press Holdings Ltd, Sydney.
I wish, publicly, to acknowledge the following people who assisted with the publication of this book: the Hon. Mr Justice Nagle; Kerry Dundas of the Art Gallery of New South Wales; K. J. Palmer of Mosman and the History Committee of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron; Professor Patrick O'Farrell of the University of New South Wales, and A. E. Cahill of the University of Sydney; Major-General J. W. Norrie, Secretary/General Manager of the Australian Jockey Club, Rand-wick; Professor Keith Campbell of the University of Sydney; Mrs G. E. Marni Kerry, Milson'-s Point; Michael White, 'Belltrees', Scone, New South Wales; J. A. G. Ryrie, 'Micalago', Michelago, New South Wales; David Butt of Balgowlah; Barbara Perry of the National Library of Australia; Margaret Calder and the staff of the State Library of New South Wales; the staff of the Fisher Library, University of Sydney; Norman Harwood of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences; and Ms Kerry Reardon, who typed the various drafts in spite of writing that arouses more agony than adulation.
Special thanks go to John Delacour and his assistant, Ms Julie Parr. It is a pleasure to work with a photographer who has such high standards of printing and such enthusiasm for the work of his photographic predecessors.
My warmest thanks and admiration go to Gael Newton, Curator of Photography, the Art Gallery of New South Wales. No one could have wished for a more selfless sharing of research problems, for more enthusiasm for this monograph, or for more intellectual stimulation and criticism.
The Kerry Gallery (Booking and Portrait Department) |
This monograph is, I hope, the first of a series planned for the next few years. The successful completion of the first monograph, and plans now underway for the second, owe a great deal to Susan, my wife. Discreet silence rather than public professions of gratitude are more in keeping in such private matters — suffice it to say that I am constantly grateful for her contribution and support.
David P. Millar, Balmain, 1980