Tag Archives: George Silk

George Silk

The iconic 1942 New Guinea photograph

I have uploaded a piece on the iconic George Silk 1942 photograph of the Papuan carrier Raphael Oimbari assisting Private George Whittington. I have also included research “After The Photograph” using a selection of memorial sculptures that have been influenced by the Silk photograph.   Click here for the online essays.

George Silk

George Silk, Photojournalist

I have several essays online relating to George Silk the photojournalist. Born in Levin, New Zealand in 1916, Silk served as a photojournalist for Life Magazine for 30 years.

He is well known as a war photographer, that part of his career began in 1939 serving for the Australian government in the Middle East, North Africa and Greece.

There are many other aspects of his achievements covered in my essays. Most of my research related to the exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia in 2000.

Here are the links to my essays:

Going to Extremes: George Silk, Photojournalist from the NGA exhibition catalogue

Going to extremes: George Silk photographer   essay in Art & Australia

George Silk,Fawn and rainbow trout, tributary of the Madison River, Montana



For the list of my essays (being updated) click here