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this web site is occasionally updated - so things change.  If something goes missing - let us know.
not every entry is listed below - so please use the photo-web search facility to find particular listings



19th Century     |    20th Century  


asia - pacific

a separate web site on asia-pacific-photography

see biographies below for Dasiy Wu, Majorie Doggett, Shapoor Bhedwar, Thilly Weissenborn, Loke Hong Seng, John Thomson


Women and Photography 20th Century

Women of the Colonies (a selection of CDVs)

Early Australian
women painters

NOT Photography!!

Mary Meyer - early 20th century woman painter 
Alma Figuerola - 20th century woman painter 

Gael Newton AM

Gael's Bio  |  Gael's articles, essays, papers Gael's Blog


research/ papers

List of papers, articles, essays and research documents - various links;
some also listed below (open to consider additional papers/ and relevant research links)

Papers by Robert Deane: including Eveleen Myers 1856 - 1937; Foreign Influences in Australian Photography; Photography in Serach of The Bible; Camera Work 1903-1917; Colour Photography in the Asia Pacific; and Photographs of France by Robert Deane.



Albert Brown, Australian photographer, foundation member of Group M

George W Bell: Australian painter & photographer,  1920 - 2008

GROUP M Moggs Creek Clickers, Australian photographers based in Melbourne 1959 – late 1960s

Deeper Feeling, Wider Vision, a 1996 thesis by Philip Bentley on Group M photographers (Moggs Creek Clickers)

Robert McFarlane: A series of links about Robert, Australian photographer 1942 - 2023

Frank Hurley: James Francis Hurley photographer 1885 - 1962

Charles Bayliss - Australian Photographer (1850-1897)

Wesley Stacey:  Landscape of Virtue: The Life and Work of Photographer Wesley Stacey,
Ziv Cohen, Research Paper–June 2003

Developing Photography: A History of the Australian Centre for Photography1973-2013
Toby Meagher, Research Paper–June 2013

ROAD WORK AHEAD:  A study of road photography in Australia    Belinda Hungerford 2010

Oswald Ziegler and the commercial application of contemporary Australian Photography
in the mid Twentieth Century      Eric Riddler 1990

Oswald Zeigler: A page of illustrations representing some of Zeigler's publications

Wesley Stacey - a selection of photographs from Wesley's career

Harold Cazneaux: Australian Photographer  1878-1953

Camera Work 1903 - 1917   Robert Deane

Carol Jerrems  links to resources about Carol Jerrmes and her photography

Max Dupain - a page with links to many resources on Max

Townsend Duryea 1823 - 1888

Sublime Souls & Symphonies, Australian PhotoTexts 1926–1966, Eric Riddler 1993

Sydney Ure Smith: Australian publisher 1887 - 1949

Curators & Photographers: first photography curators (Australian)
Jennie Boddington, Ian North, Gael Newton, Alan Davies


Shapoor Bhedwar  - parsi pictorialist photographer (India, active 1890s - 1900s) 

Thilly Weissenborn, early 20th century photographer in Dutch East indies - now Indonesia.

Daisy Wu - (Daisy Yuk Hu Ching Wu) Hong Kong photographer (born in Hawai'i 1912 - died HK 1994)

Majorie Doggett - Singapore photographer, born England 1921- died Sing 2010

John Thomson - a few photographs

Loke Hong Seng, Singapore photographer


Books and
Albums online

A range of photo-books (some listed below):

Melbourne By Night:  published by Art In Australia Ltd - Sydney Ure Smith, in 1934.
Photographs by W.L. Lucke-Meyer - with text by Basil Burdett.

A Book About Australian Women: This book was originally published in 1974 by Outback Press
whose permission was granted in 2015 for this online version

Australian Pictorial Photography: published in 1979;
written by Gael Newton, then the Curator of Photography at the Art Gallery of New South Wales.

Views of Sydney circa 1890s (a reproduced photographic album)

the BANKS album (this album has been sold)



John Thompson ( a few photographs)

August Sachtler (a few photographs)

a link to several areas of interest (some repeated above)

a couple of photography exhibitions

The Japanese photography collection


General Links

Some links to useful resources - click here

Photograms of the Year

Asia–Pacific photographs published in Photograms of the Year. click here

These are published on our separate web site:

Our Web Sites

Asia Pacific Photography

Paul's blog - many topics: A Word or Two

Gael's Blog

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