Albert Brown, Australian photographer, foundation member of Group M
George W Bell: Australian painter & photographer, 1920 - 2008
GROUP M Moggs Creek Clickers, Australian photographers based in Melbourne 1959 – late 1960s
Deeper Feeling, Wider Vision, a 1996 thesis by Philip Bentley on Group M photographers (Moggs Creek Clickers)
Robert McFarlane: A series of links about Robert, Australian photographer 1942 - 2023
Frank Hurley: James Francis Hurley photographer 1885 - 1962
Charles Bayliss - Australian Photographer (1850-1897)
Wesley Stacey: Landscape of Virtue: The Life and Work of Photographer Wesley Stacey,
Ziv Cohen, Research Paper–June 2003
Developing Photography: A History of the Australian Centre for Photography1973-2013
Toby Meagher, Research Paper–June 2013
ROAD WORK AHEAD: A study of road photography in Australia Belinda Hungerford 2010
Oswald Ziegler and the commercial application of contemporary Australian Photography
in the mid Twentieth Century Eric Riddler 1990
Oswald Zeigler: A page of illustrations representing some of Zeigler's publications
Wesley Stacey - a selection of photographs from Wesley's career
Harold Cazneaux: Australian Photographer 1878-1953
Camera Work 1903 - 1917 Robert Deane
Carol Jerrems links to resources about Carol Jerrmes and her photography
Max Dupain - a page with links to many resources on Max
Townsend Duryea 1823
- 1888
Sublime Souls & Symphonies, Australian PhotoTexts 1926–1966, Eric Riddler 1993
Sydney Ure Smith: Australian publisher 1887 - 1949
Curators & Photographers: first photography curators (Australian)
Jennie Boddington, Ian North, Gael Newton, Alan Davies
Shapoor Bhedwar - parsi pictorialist photographer (India, active 1890s - 1900s)
Thilly Weissenborn, early 20th century photographer in Dutch East indies - now Indonesia.
Daisy Wu - (Daisy Yuk Hu Ching Wu) Hong Kong photographer (born in Hawai'i 1912 - died HK 1994)
Majorie Doggett - Singapore photographer, born England 1921- died Sing 2010
John Thomson - a few photographs
Loke Hong Seng, Singapore photographer