2024 Birthday in Melbourne

Enjoying lunch by the Yarra

On a  very typical Melbourne day of varying weather, we took ourselves for a slightly early birthday lunch at the Boathouse Restaurant in Fairfield — on the Yarra Bend.

It has been a year since we were packing up our house in Canberra getting ready for a move to Melbourne.

We look back now with amazement on how things came together. The plan was sort of hatched in June/ July 2023, was put into action mid August 2023, we worked like crazy to get the house ready for sale by end of September, it went on sale in early October, sold in early November, final settlement in early December, we then crossed the boarder into Victoria on 5th December, put money down on a place on 12th December, moved to temporary accommodation, and then moved into the apartment in 2nd February 2024.

That was then followed with a couple of months of doing all sorts of stuff till in about early April we declared ourselves residents of Melbourne — and settled in.

While there was a load of day to day project management undertaken, the gods of luck were also very much on our side! We still look back and wonder how the hell we did it!

So today we were out enjoying yet another wonderful aspect of Melbourne — the Yarra River and the enormous amounts of greenery and bushlands in this inner suburban area.

It was about this time last year (September 2023) when we took time out from packing up our house to have my birthday lunch at Tilleys in Lyneham, Canberra.

click here for that post

We love being in Melbourne.  Greetings everyone!

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