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Oswald Ziegler and the commercial application of contemporary Australian Photography in the mid Twentieth Century

Eric Riddler 1990

Appendix Five & Six

5. Others Artists

6. Portraits Of Visual Artists In The Australian Photography Volumes


Artists (painters, sculptors, printmakers, architects etc.), reproduced in Oswald Ziegler Publications.


John Allcot
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Richard Anderson
            The First Century, 1962.

George French Angas
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Rita Angas (Wm. Gardner after …)
            New Zealand, 1967.

Douglas Annand (see also designers)
            British Empire Exhibition, 1947.
            Commonwealth of Australia Jubilee 1901-1951, 1950.

George Rossi Ashton
            Australia from the Dawn of Time to the Present Day, 1964.
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Julian Rossi Ashton
            Randwick 1859-1959.
            Australia from the Dawn of Time to the Present Day, 1964.
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.
            Randwick 1859-1976.

R. Atkinson
Australia from the Dawn of Time to the Present Day, 1964.

Graham Back
            E II R 25 Years, 1977.

Arthur Baldwinson (architect)
            Sydney Builds an Opera House, 1973.

Sir W. Beechey R.A. (W. Grimaldi after …)
            E II R 25 Years, 1977.

James Berry
            New Zealand, 1967.

Captain Bethune
            The World and South East Asia, 1972.
            The World and South East Asia, 1973.

Sir Oswald Birley
            The Royal Visit to New South Wales, 1954.

Arthur Boyd
            Commonwealth of Australia Jubilee 1901-1951, 1950.

Penleigh Boyd
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Robin Boyd (architect)
            Commonwealth of Australia Jubilee 1901-1951, 1950. Wrote article ‘Architecture.’
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Oswald Brierly
            Sydney has an Opera House, 1974.

Geo. H. Brown
            150 Years in Australia, 1937.
            150 Years: Australia 1788-1938.

George Chinnery
            The World and Australia, 1967.

Clarke, Gazzard Pty., Ltd. (Architects)
            This is Sydney, 1974.
            This is Sydney, 1975.
            This is Sydney, 1976.

John Coburn
            Sydney Builds an Opera House, 1973.
            Australia 1901-1976.

Robert C.G. Coulter (architect)
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

R. Curtin (architect)
            Orange 1860-1960.

Jack Davis c/o Time Magazine
            Australia 1901-1976.

Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas
            Australian Photography 1957.

William Dobell
            Commonwealth of Australia Jubilee 1901-1951, 1950.

Benjamin Duttereau
                Australia from the Dawn of Time to the Present Day, 1964.

Augustus Earle
              Australia from the Dawn of Time to the Present Day, 1964.

Samuel Elyard
            This is Sydney, 1974.
            This is Sydney, 1975.
            This is Sydney, 1976.

            Australia 1901-1976.

Cedric Emmanuel
            Parramatta Pageant, 1955.
            This is Australia, 1957.

H. Enkwell
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Jacob Epstein
            Australian Photography 1957.

D.F Evans and Assocs. (architects)
            This is Australia, 1957.

Gladstone Eyre (…after Henry Walter Barnett, photographer)
              Commonwealth of Australia Jubilee 1901-1951, 1950.
Adrian Feint
            Commonwealth of Australia Jubilee 1901-1951, 1950.

George Fernley (photographer?)
            The World and Australia, 1967.

W.C. Fitoer
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Paul Fitzgerald
            E II R 25 Years, 1977.

A. Harry Fullwood
            Goulburn, Gateway to the South, 1959.
            Maitland 1863-1963.
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Wm. Gardener (…after Rita Cook)
            New Zealand, 1967.

Fredrick Garling Jnr,
            This is Sydney, 1974.
            This is Sydney, 1975.
            This is Sydney, 1976.

Samuel Thomas Gill
            Commonwealth of Australia Jubilee 1901-1951, 1950.

John Glover
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

George Kruger Gray
            Victorian and Melbourne Centenary Celebrations 1934-1935, 1936.

W. Grimaldi (…after Sir W. Beechey, R.A.)
            E II R 25 Years, 1977.

Frederick Grosse
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

J.W. Guillott
            The Penfold Story, 1951.
            Australia from the Dawn of Time to the Present Day, 1964.
            The Penforld Story, 1975.

            Maitland 1863-1963.

            Soul of a City, 1953.

Ivor Hele
            Australia 1901-1976.

Harold B. Herbert (architect)
            100 Years in Victoria.

            Brisbane 1859-1959.

            Snowy Saga, 1956.
            Snowy Saga, 1960.

C.H. Hu…
            150 Years/ Australia 1788-1938.

F.W. Hulme (lithographer)
            Orange 1860-1960.

Governor Hunter (anon after…)
            Soul of a City, 1953.


Mrs Issac (Gert Sellheim? After…)
            Brisbane 1859-1959.

            E II R 25 Years, 1977.

Harry Kelly
            This is Australia, 1957.

Norman Lindsay
            Commonwealth of Australia Jubilee 1901-1951, 1950.

Tom Lingwood
            Sydney has an Opera House, 1974.

London Illustrated News (John St. Helier Lander R.O.I.)
            E II R 25 Years, 1977.

Long Thien Shih
            The World and Australia, 1967.

Robert Lovett (architect)
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Joseph Lycett
            Newcastle 150 Years, 1947.
            Australia from the Dawn of Time to the Present Day, 1964.
Australia 200, 1770-1970.

            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

J. McFarlane
            Australia from the Dawn of Time to the Present Day, 1964.

W. McLeod
            Australia from the Dawn of Time to the Present Day, 1964.
Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Frank P. Mahony
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Giacomo Manzu- Nat
            The World and Australia, 1967.

Conrad Martens
            Parramatta Pageant. 1955.
            Life at The Cross, 1965.
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.
            This is Sydney, 1974.
            This is Sydney, 1975.
            This is Sydney, 1976.

Sir Thomas Mitchell
            Goulburn, Gateway to the South, 1959.
            Maitland 1863-1963.

            The Land of the Golden Grain, 1928.

            Commonwealth of Australia Jubilee 1901-1951, 1950.

Albert Namatjira
            Commonwealth of Australia Jubilee 1901-1951, 1950.
            This is Australia, 1957.
            Australia 1901-1976.

Nibs (Vanity Fair)
            E II R 25 Years, 1977.

Sir Sidney Nolan
            This is Sydney, 1974.
            This is Sydney, 1975.
            This is Sydney, 1976.

John Olsen
            Life at the Cross, 1965.
            Sydney Builds an Opera House, 1973.
            Sydney has an Opera House, 1974.

Baron Paszthory
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Larry Pickering
            Australia 1901-1976.

E.A. Porcher
            The World and South East Asia, 1972.
            The World and South East Asia, 1973.

Poudgoursky (with Professor Val Zotto)
            The World and South East Asia, 1972.
            The World and South East Asia, 1973.

Douglas Pratt
            Me Too-, 1955.
            Goulburn, Gateway to the South, 1959.

Principi (architect)
            This is Sydney, 1974.
            This is Sydney, 1975.
            This is Sydney, 1976.

J. Skinner Prout
            Soul of a City, 1951.
            This is Sydney, 1974.
            This is Sydney, 1975.
            This is Sydney, 1976.

Clifton Pugh
            Australia 1901-1976.

            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

            150 Years in Australia, 1937.

Paul Rigby
            Australia 1901-1976.

R. Roberts
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Tom Roberts
            Commonwealth of Australia Jubilee 1901-1951, 1950.
Australia, 200, 1770-1970.
            Australia 1901-1976.

H.M. Rolland
            Australia 1901-1976.

Eero Saarinen (architect)
            Sydney Builds an Opera House, 1973.

John St. Helier Lander R.O.I. (London Illustrated News)
            E II R 25 Years, 1977.
T. Schell
            Music for a Hundred Years, 1954.
Erik Svensson
            Snowy Saga, 1960.

Algernon Talmage R.A.
            Soul of a City, 1953.

Major James Taylor
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

            150 Years/ Australia, 1788-1938.

A. Thorning
            This is Sydney, 1974.
            This is Sydney, 1975.
            This is Sydney, 1976.

Time Magazine (Jack Davis)
            Australia 1901-1976.

A Tischbauer
            This is Sydney, 1974.
            This is Sydney, 1975.
            This is Sydney, 1976.

Harold Town
            The World and Australia, 1967.

Albert Tucker
            This is Sydney, 1974.
            This is Sydney, 1975.
            This is Sydney, 1976.

F.W. Unley
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Jorn Utzon (architect)
            Sydney Builds an Opera House, 1973.

Van Dyck
            E II R 25 Years, 1977.

Vanity Fair (Nibs)
            E II R 25 Years, 1977.

M. Napier Waller
            Victorian and Melbourne Centenary Celebrations 1934-1935, 1936.

C.E. Wir…
            Australia 200, 1770-1970.

Professor Val Zotto (with Poudgoursky)
            The World and South East Asia, 1972.
            The World and South East Asia, 1973.


5. Portraits Of Visual Artists In The Australian Photography Volumes



Lyndon Dadswell, by Margaret Michaelis.
Strom Gould, by Hal. Missingham.
Alec. Cann, by Athol Shmith.
Mavis Ripper, by Russell Roberts.
J. Witherington, self portrait/ reflection.
Frank Medworth R.B.A., F.S.A.M., by Clarence A. Young.


Hal. Missingham, by Max Dupain.
Jacob Epstein, by David Potts.
Max Dupain, self portrait/ reflection.
Albert Namatjira, by Laurence Le Guay.
Luke Kynaston, self portrait/ reflection.
Paul Beadle, by Max Dupain.


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This 2020 online version of Eric Riddler's thesis has been adapted from a copy of Eric's 1990 thesis as submitted for Fine Arts IV Thesis University of Sydney. This is not the thesis as submitted and includes amendments,edits, reformatting and updated information. The copyright for this paper is retained by the author.

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