On The Edge: Australian photographers of the Seventies
An online version of the catalogue for the National Gallery of Australia's Philip Morris Collection of photography on exhibition at the San Diego Museum of Art from 14th January 1995 to 4th June 1995.

Gael Newton wrote two essays for the catalogue:
Australian Photographers and the Philip Morris Arts Grant, 1973- 1988.
The Soft Spread of Time: an essay about the photography and the photographers in the exhibition.
the catalogue included:
The Plates: Australian Photographers of the Seventies
The Checklist for the exhibition
Biographies of the Artists: compiled by Anne O'Hehir

Front cover - top image: Max Dupain 1911-1911, Sunbaker 1937, Culburra New South Wales South Coast, printed c.1975
Back cover - lower image: William Yang, born 1943, Bondi, 1981, Sydney
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