Draft of the letter written by David Moore - text transcribed from photo of original
Maybe it's time some of us got together to think about photography collectively and try to counteract the sort of crap which looks like being reproduced in 'Camera in Australia' - see enclosed stats.
I have jotted down some points which might bear discussion and at this point I would like to see whether any of you feel this is desirable or necessary. If you do let's make a date to get together. I suggest 5.30 p.m. on Monday 4th May at my studio where you would find a beer or red wine waiting to help you think.
Should there be anyone else in the field you would consider should be included in the group feel free to ask them to come. But I think it best if any group be kept small at this stage.
Please let me know what you think.
All the best.
23rd April 1970