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Developing Photography:
A History of the Australian Centre for Photography 1973-2013– Toby Meagher, Research Paper–June 2013; Masters in Art Administration at COFA
Annear, Judy, 'Australian Modernism' in Photography: Art Gallery of New South Wales Collection, NSW: Art Gallery of New South Wales, 2007
Bennett, Tony & Carter, David (eds.), Culture in Australia: Policies, Publics and Programs, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001
Couacaud, Sally (ed.), Australian Video Festival, Australian Video Festival Ltd., Sydney, catalogue to the exhibition, 1986
Couacaud, Sally (ed.), The Australian Video Festival Report 1986, Australian Video Festival Committee, Sydney, 1986.
David, Dean, Museum Exhibition; Theory and Practice, London: Routledge, 1994
Ennis, Helen, 'Contemporary Photographic Practices', in Newton, Gael, Shades of Light: Photography and Australia 1839-1988, Canberra: The Australian National Gallery, 1988
Ennis, Helen, 'Formal Structures of Photography' in Australian Photography: The 1980s, Canberra: The Australian National Gallery, 1988
Ennis, Helen, 'Made in Australia' in Photography and Australia, London: Reaktion Books, 2007
Falk, John H. & Lynn D. Dierking, The Museum Experience, Ann Arbor, Michigan: Edwards Brothers, 2002
Howe, Graham, 'A Concept for Photography' in Howe, Graham (ed.), New Photography Australia, Sydney: The Australian Centre for Photography Limited, 1974
Howe, Graham, 'The Sarkowski Lectures' in Art & Australia, Vol. 12 No. 1,1974
Hurley, H. 'Philip Morris and the Arts' in Aspects of the Philip Morris Collection, Visual Arts Board, Australia Council, 1980
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Marsh, Anne, 'Maverick Photography: Conceptual, Activist, Documentary', in Look: Contemporary Australian Photography Since 1980, Melbourne: Blue Star Print, 2010
McCaughey, Patrick 'The Identity of Photography' in Aspects of Australian Photography, Sydney: The Australian Centre for Photography Limited, 1974
Newton, Gael, 'Pictures in Print', in Le Guay, Laurence (ed.), Australian Photography - A Contemporary View, Sydney, Australia: Globe Publishing, 1978
Newton, Gael, Shades of Light: Photography and Australia 1839-1988, Canberra: The Australian National Gallery, 1988
Phillips, Christopher, 'The Judgment Seat of Photography' in Bolton, Richard (ed.), The Contest of Meaning: Critical Histories of Photography, Massachusetts, USA: MIT, 1989
Sayers, Andrew, Oxford History of Art: Australian Art, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001
Snooks. G.D. 'The Economic and Social Experience of Australian Artists in the mid 1970s', Journal of Australian Studies, vol. 5,1979
Snooks, G.D. 'Determinants of Earnings Inequality Amongst Australian Artists', Australian Economic Papers, vol. 22,1983
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Sontag, Susan, On Photography, UK: Picador, 1977
Warner Marien, Mary, 'Photography in Art' in Photography: A Cultural History, Great Britain: Lawrence King Publishing, 2002
Weil, Stephen, 'Rethinking the Museum: An Emerging New Paradigm (1990)' in Anderson, Gail (ed.) Reinventing the Museum: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on the Paradigm Shift, Oxford, UK: Alta Mira Press, 2004
Whitlam, G. The Whitlam Government 1972-1975, Viking, Ringwood, 1985
Willis, Anne-Marie, Picturing Australia: A history of Photography, North Ryde, NSW: Angus & Robertson, 1988
Withers, Glenn, 'Private Demand for Public Subsidies: An econometric study of cultural support in Australia' in Journal of Cultural Economics, June 1979, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp 53-61
'Photographic centre takes on wide angled view' in The Eastern Herald (The Sydney Morning Herald), Thursday, April 7,1988
Australian Centre for Photography - Website Accessed: 24/04/2013 Available:
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