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The Plates

John Kauffmann Nocturne c.1909 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann (Flower) c.1930-1935
John Kauffmann The Grey Veil c.1910
John Kauffmann (Flower) c.1930-1935
John Kauffmann After sunrise, Victor Harbour c.1900
John Kauffmann Wharf labourers c.1910 half tone reproduction in The Art of John Kauffmann 1919
John Kauffmann Melbourne Cup 1911 half tone reproduction in The Art of John Kauffmann 1919
John Kauffmann The gassworks c.1915
John Kauffmann Camera study Ball and Welch georgette gown in the fashion supplement, The Home 1st Sept 1921
John Kauffmann A pioneer of the backblocks photo illustration in The Sunraysia Wonder Book.
John Kauffmann Sunlight thro' acanthus leaf c.1930-1935
John Kauffmann Design for frieze c.1920
John Kauffmann Japanese magnolia c1930-1935
John Kauffmann and his contemporaries
Elioth Gruner (trees) 1907 charcoal drawing on paper
John Kauffmann Fairy woods c.1920
Clarice Beckett (Road with telegraph poles) c.1932 oil on cardboard
John Kauffmann (Street, telegraph poles and church) c.1920 carbon photograph
Blamire Young George Street on a rainy night 1908 watercolour
John Eaton Wet day in Melbourne 1920 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann (City corner) c.1910 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann and Europe
John Kauffmann (lake scene, Switzerland) c.1894 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann The Wetterhorn c.1894 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann a chestnut grove in autumn c.1897 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann Temple steps, Kandy c.1897 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann and Australia
John Kauffmann (Harbour scene, Adelaide) c.1898 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann The boatman c.1910
John Kauffmann The Marquee c.1910 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann Sheep at pasture c.1910 half tone reproduction in the Art of John Kauffmann 1919
John Kauffmann The workshop c.1915 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann The quarry c.1915 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann A fleeting gleam c.1910 half tone reproduction in the Art of John Kauffmann 1919
John Kauffmann The National Bank c.1928 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann The lighthouse c.1930
John Kauffmann Pelican c.1930
John Kauffmann Golden gleams c.1908 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann Victory c.1918
John Kauffmann Hebranthus advenus c.1930-1935
John Kauffmann Myrtle c.1930-1935
John Kauffmann Fantasy c.1920 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann The butterfly c.1930-1935
John Kauffmann (Leaf study) c.1930-1935
John Kauffmann King cactus c.1930-1935
John Kauffmann Winter mist c.1895 printed 1906 carbon photograph
John Kauffmann Narcissus c.1930-1935
John Kauffmann New Zealand white glory pea c.1930-1935
John Kauffmann Jungle c.1930-1935
John Kauffmann The cloud c.1910 half tone reproduction in The Art of John Kauffmann 1919
Self-portrait, John Kauffmann and his sister, Caroline Marcus, Melbourne c.1940

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