Lawrence Frost

The Argyle Cut
Lawrence Frost's Australian Scenery, City Views. No.3
Caption on rear includes:
These beautiful Photogarphs, in four series, are published weekly to subscribers, and delivered in any part of Sydney, one or more each week. !S. each. Subscriptions commencing at any time either with No.1 or all. as many as desired up to date. A handsome Porfolio is presented to each subsriber, 52 pictures complete the First Edition. Orders may be left with Mr. Solomon, PITT STREET, next Victoria Theatre. L.Frost.
Not much is written about Lawrence Frost and his porfolio of prints and his photography practice.
Images available at National Library of Australia and the NSW State Library.
Anyone got anything on him? please make contact

Middle Harbour, Lawrence Frost
and for a treat, see below - enlrgement of the lower left