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Additional Research
March 2015
The following contribution to research on Charles Bayliss has been sent through by Gloria Banting.
In your Bayliss bio it states “He made photographs in 1887 of the construction of the Hawkesbury Bridge. There are reports that he travelled in Queensland to at least Maryborough.”
I have recently become interested in Charles Bayliss because of some information I found in our local newspaper of the 1880s, and my interest in historical photographs relating to the local sugar cane industry.
Below is a photograph I believe was taken by Bayliss and referred to in the last newspaper article in the following list.
Kind regards
Maryborough Chronicle 7 January 1882 p2
Discussion ensued on the proposed photographic illustration of the district industries. The terms made with Mr. Bayless (sic), the Sydney artist, and Mr. Forster, of Maryborough, were ratified, the views to be in the hands of the joint committee within two months from date. No reply having been received from the Colonial Secretary to the Committee's application for pecuniary assistance to the scheme.
The Secretary was instructed to write again, pointing out that the object was to supply the Government agency and emigration lecturers in London with these photographs, and the matter was therefore not of merely local interest. It was stated that the Colonial Secretary had taken steps privately to obtain photographs for the London office. Mr. Bayless' contract is for the supply of 160 pictures, in the best style of art, the subjects to be chosen by a sub-committee.
Maryborough Chronicle 21 January 1882 p2 LOCAL NEWS.
At a special meeting of the committee of the Chamber of Commerce, held on Thursday, a list of desirable local views was prepared to be handed to Mr. Bayliss, photographer, who is expected from Sydney next week to fulfil his contract with the committee. The list comprises a variety of views about the town showing the principal public buildings and industrial establishments; specially chosen scenes at Yengarie, Tinana, Copenhagen Bend, Pialba scrub farms Dundathu, Antigua and Tiaro. The collection will, when completed, prove a most comprehensive display of the most attractive features of the district. ………………………..
MC 26 January 1882 p2 MUNICIPAL Council
………….A. D. Lewington, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, inviting suggestions of subjects for the 15 photographs to be taken by Mr. Bayliss. ………………….
The Telegraph 15 May 1882 p5 MARYBOROUGH.
From our own correspondent. ………………….Mr. Bayliss' photographs of Maryborough and district are being exhibited here, and are remarkably fine specimens of photography. Mr. Topham, of the Town and Country, is at present in Maryborough, taking sketches. He intends to proceed from here to the South Sea Islands. Mr. Wilson, of the Courier and Queenslander, is also in Maryborough, and is describing the various institutions and industries of the town for these journals.
MC 15 May 1882 p1 ADVERTISING.
………….Photographs of Maryborough. THE splendid Photographs of Local Scenery executed by Mr. C. Bayliss, of Sydney, to the order of the Chamber of Commerce and Municipal Council of Maryborough, have been received, and are now ON VIEW at the Council Chambers, Kent-street. Copies may be obtained on application to Mr. V. Dawson, Kent street, who alone is authorised to supply same and who will afford all information regarding subscription, etc. By Order, JOSEPH CANTRELL, Secretary Chamber of Commerce. ………………
MC 23 June 1882 p2 LOCAL NEWS
………..When Mr. Bayliss, the talented photographer, was here recently from Sydney, he took a number of negatives of the Pialba aboriginals, and copies of the pictures are now procurable at Dawson's, Kent-street. Having been taken under favorable conditions, they are pictures of special merit and will no doubt be praised by those who like our aboriginal brethren on paper. Mr. Dawson also …………………
……………..To C. Bayliss, Sydney, ordering a complete set of the views of Maryborough and District for transmission to England. ……………………
MC 29 July 1882 p5
Your Committee being of opinion that photographs of Maryborough scenery would greatly assist the emigration agents in illustrating their lectures on the advantages of settlement here, they conferred with the Municipal Council with a view of securing their co-operation, and obtained the services of Mr. Chas. Bayliss, photographer of Sydney, to visit Maryborough and take a series of views of local scenery. On receiving a set of the photographs mounted and framed, your Committee despatched twelve (12) of them under the care of Mr. R. M. Hyne for delivery to Mr. Bonwick in England.
MC Wednesday 13 December 1882 p2 ADVERTISING.
We yesterday had the pleasure of inspecting the enlarged photograph, now on view at Messrs.Southerden and Christoe's rooms, of the view of Eatonvale and the Mary River, taken by Mr.Bayliss, of Sydney, for the Chamber of Commerce, to be sent home to our ImmigrationAgent. This view was specially selected as the finest on the river, and may be seen to advantage from the Elsinore Estate. ……………….

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