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Silver and Grey

List of Plates

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Plates: in alphabetical order by artist:

Cecil W. Bostock: 26, 34, 35, 37, 54, 60
Jack Cato: 23, 25, 33
Harold Cazneaux: 10, 15, 19, 20, 22, 29, 32, 38, 40, 50, 55, 56, 75
Olive Cotton: 11, 61, 62
Norman Deck: 1. 3, 5, 6, 18, 21
Arthur Dickinson: 53
Kerry Dundas: 113, 114
Max Dupain: 57, 59, 63, 64, 67, 68, 73, 76, 77, 78, 80, 83, 84, 94, 107
Stanley W. Eutrope: 8
John B. Eaton: 12
Hans Hasenpflug: 70, 72, 74, 81, 82, 103
Ruth Hollick: 27, 28
Jennifer Humphreys: 100, 110
Frank Hurley: 47, 48
John Kaftan: 4, 31, 43, 46
Peter Lawrence: 42
Laurence Le Guay: 69, 71, 91, 92, 111, 117, 118
Monte Luke: 9
Henri Mallard: 14, 51, 52
Mrs Alfred G. (Florence) Milson: 49
Hal Missingham: 79
W. H. Moffitt: 7
May and Mina Moore 24
David Moore: 58, 66, 85, 86, 87, 90, 93
George J. Morris: 36, 39, 44
Axel Poignant: 96, 97, 98, 99
David Potts: 89, 95, 101, 102, 105
F. Vaudry Robinson: 41
L. Hey Sharp: 13, 45
Athol Shmith: 104, 106, 108, 109, 112, 115, 116
Wolfgang Sievers: 65, 119, 120
Dr Julian Smith: 30
James Stening: 2, 17
Henry Talbot: 88
Alfred Wilkinson: 16


Plates in numerical order:

    1. Norman C. Deck: National Park, Audley. ac 1900-03
    2. James Stening: The edge of the Common. c.1900-03
    3. Norman C. Deck: The Incoming Tide. 1903
    4. John Kauffmann: The Fairy Woods. ac 1910-20
    5. Norman C. Deck: A bend in the Road. 1909 New Zealand
    6. Norman C. Deck: Droving, New Zealand. 1909
    7. W. H. Moffitt: Boats - Berowra Creek. 1930s (bromoil)
    8. Stanley W. Eutrope: A Corner of dora Creek. c.1920 (bromoil)
    9. Monte Luke: Ebb Tide. c.1928 (bromoil)
    10. Harold Cazneaux: Napean Riverside 1930s
    11. Olive Cotton: Trees and Wire. 1930s
    12. John B. Eaton: Cattle Tracks. c.1934
    13. L.Hey Sharp: The home of a Pensioned Couple. ac 1925
    14. Henri Mallard: Nearing their Journey's End. c.1920
    15. Harold Cazneaux: Billy Meditation. 1906
    16. Alfred Wilkinson: Shearing. 1926 (bromoil)
    17. James Stening: The Pioneer. c.1900-1915
    18. Norman C Deck: Tree Study. 1910
    19. Harold Cazneaux: Autumn Sunshine. c.1935-37
    20. Harold Cazneaux: The Spirit of Endurance. 1937
    21. Norman Deck: What is it? Taieri Beach. 1911. New Zealand
    22. Harold Cazneaux: The Razzle Dazzle. 1908
    23. Jack Cato: The Duchess of Leinster. 1911. London
    24. May and Minna Moore: L. Hopkins. c.1914
    25. Jack Cato: Study of Hands. c.1928
    26. Cecil W. Bostock: Nude Study. 1915-17
    27. Ruth Hollick: Quentin Cain. c1920-30
    28. Ruth Hollick: Child Study. 1920s
    29. Harold Cazneaux: Doris Zinkeisen. 1929
    30. Dr julian Smith: Old Firebrand. c.1937
    31. John Kauffmann: Leaf Study. 1930s
    32. Harold Cazneaux: Portrait in Sunshine. 1931
    33. Jack Cato: Snorky. 1924
    34. Cecil W Bostock: "With the Sun's Last Flicker to Idleness Drifted". 1919-20. London
    35. Cecil W Bostock: An Old World Harbour, Polperro. 1919-20. Cornwall
    36. George J. Morris: The Catch, Polperro. 1936 (bromoil transfer)
    37. Cecil W. Bostock: Courtyard. 1919-20. Europe
    38. Harold Cazneaux: Paddy's Markets. 1906
    39. George J. Morris: The Blacksmith at St Ives. 1926 (bromoil transfer)
    40. Harold Cazneaux: Wharfies. c.1910
    41. F. Vaudry Robinson: rolling Home. 1920s
    42. Peter Lawrence: Tar Dressing. 1925-26 (bromoil transfer)
    43. John Kauffmann: Collins Street, Melbourne. c.1920
    44. George J. Morris: At Night in the City. c.1925 (bromoil transfer)
    45. L.Hey Sharp: The Yarra.1925 (bromoil transfer)
    46. John Kauffmann: The Cloud. c.1910
    47. Frank Hurley: A Battlefield Cemetery. 1918
    48. Frank Hurley: The morning after the first battle of Passchendaele. October 12, 1917
    49. Mrs Alfred G. (Florence) Milson: Return of the 1st Light Horse AIF. 1918
    50. Harold Cazneaux: Stream and Sunshine. 1935
    51. Henri Mallard: Construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. c.1930
    52. Henri Mallard: Cables. c.1930 (bromoil)
    53. Arthur Dickinson: City of Sound. c.1930
    54. Cecil W. Bostock: Problem (Sydney War Memorial). c.1932
    55. Harold Cazneaux: Bridge Pattern. c.1934
    56. Harold Cazneaux: The Canyon, Martin Place. 1928
    57. Max Dupain: Street at Central. 1938
    58. David Moore: Martin Place. 1949
    59. Max Dupain: Kerosene Lamp: c.1930-35
    60. Cecil W. Bostock: Phenomenon. c.1938
    61. Olive Cotton: Tea Cup Ballet. c.1937
    62. Olive Cotton: Glasses. 1937
    63. Max Dupain: Liner by Night. 1940
    64. Max Dupain: Wheat Silos. Pyrmont 1935
    65. Wolfgang Sievers: Industrial Illustration for Bryant & May Co. 1939
    66. David Moore: Ship Design. c.1948
    67. Max Dupain: Nude. 1938
    68. Max Dupain: Impassioned Clay. 1936
    69. Laurence Le Guay: The Progenitors. 1938
    70. Hans Hasenpflug: Industrial Illustration. c.1930s
    71. Laurence Le Guay: War Poster. 1939
    72. Hans Hasenpflug: That Critical Moment. 1940s
    73. Max Dupain: Jean. 1937
    74. Hans Hasenpflug: Fashion Illustration. c.1937
    75. Harold Cazneaux: Beach Scene. c.1930
    76. Max Dupain: Spontaneous Composition. 1935
    77. Max Dupain: Form at Bondi. 1939
    78. Max Dupain: The Sunbaker. 1937
    79. Hal Missingham: The Sunbather. 1946
    80. Max Dupain: Pool at Newport. 1952
    81. Hans Hasenpflug: Cactus. 1940s
    82. Hans Hasenpflug: Amen. 1940s
    83. Max Dupain: The Post. 1930-35
    84. Max Dupain: Backyard, Forster. 1940
    85. David Moore: Pyrmont Bridge. 1947
    86. David Moore: Haymaker Newsagent. c1948
    87. David Moore: Surry Hills Street. 1948
    88. Henry Talbot: Woolloomooloo. 1935
    89. David Potts: Cyprus - after Earthquake. 1953
    90. David Moore: Redfern Interior. 1949
    91. Laurence Le Guay: European Mother and daughter. 1942
    92. Laurence Le Guay: Pope Pius XII. 1942-43
    93. David Moore: Rosehill Racecourse. c.1948
    94. Max Dupain: Meat Queue. 1946
    95. David Potts: Rabbit Trapper. 1947
    96. Axel Poignant: The Swagman. 1953
    97. Axel Poignant: Narrana and Sons. 1952
    98. Axel Poignant: Mary. 1938
    99. Axel Poignant: Sam Sue, Pearl Buyer, Broome. 1947
    100. Jennifer Humphreys: Art Critics. c.1950s
    101. David Potts: London Bridge. 1954
    102. David Potts: Henley Regatta. 1954
    103. Hans Hasenpflug: Rhapsody in Satin. 1937
    104. Athol Shmith: Fashion Illustration. 1950s
    105. David Potts: Royal academy, Spring Show. 1953
    106. Athol Shmith: Bambi Tuckwell, Fashion Illustration. c.1940-50s
    107. Max Dupain: Mr and Mrs Larry Adler. 1936
    108. Athol Shmith: Chico Marx. 1948
    109. Athol Shmith: Sally Gilmour-Giselle. 1948
    110. Jennifer Humphreys: edwin Kingsbury. 1956
    111. Laurence Le Guay: William Dobell. c.1950
    112. Athol Shmith: Bambi Tuckwell, Fashion Illustration. 1950s
    113. Kerry Dundas: Godfrey Miller. 1950
    114. Kerry Dundas. Douglas Dundas. 1950
    115. Athol Shmith: Fashion Illustration. 1956
    116. Athol Shmith: Maggi Tabberer, Fashion Illustration. 1960
    117. Laurence Le Guay: Fashion Queue. 1950s
    118. Laurence Le Guay: Fashion Illustration. 1950s
    119. Wolfgang Sievers: Industrial Illustration. 1959
    120. Wolfgang Sievers: Architectural Study. 1960



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