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Melbourne By Night was published by Art In Australia Ltd - Sydney Ure Smith, in 1934.

Photographs by W.L. Lucke-Meyer - with text by Basil Burdett.

The book was published for the Melbourne Centenary in 1934, the centennial celebration of the founding of Melbourne.

The online database: Design & Art Australia Online has a listing - W.L. Lucke-Meyer.

There are photographs in another Ure Smith publication and in another one on shop decor.

The photographs are stunning yet the photographer seems to have appeared and/or was commissioned for works around this time, but then nothing. The online listing explains his departure from Australia.

We have reproduced most of the photographs below - but not the text pages.

If anyone knows any more about this wonderful photographer - please make contact.

The Victorian State Library has an online full version of this book - all pages - click here

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