>>set two>>
The pages of photographs have been reproduced in the same sequence as in the original publication.

Caroline Slade, Toorak, Melbourne 1973
Wendy Sime, with Silver Sime, Daylesford, Victoria, 1973 |
Wendy Sime, with Silver Sime, Daylesford, Victoria, 1973 |
Glen Hughes, Woolloomooloo, Sydney 1973 |
Toni Mathieson, Woolloomooloo, Sydney, 1973 |
Kris Oleson, with Susanne Lever, Surry Hills, Sydney 1973 |
Jennie Boddington, with Melanie Le Guay, "Henri Cartier-Bresson Exhibition,"
National Gallery, Melbourne, 1974 |
Jenny Bonnette, with Sandra Leveson, Elizabeth Bay, Sydney 1974 |
Jenny Bonnette, with Sandra Leveson, Elizabeth Bay, Sydney 1974 |
Nikki Reynolds with Jenny Bonnette, Surry Hills, 1974 |
Joy Jerrems, with Edna Kelly, Ivenhoe, Melbourne 1973 |
Mira Skipper, "Montsalvat", Melbourne, 1974 |
Mira Skipper, "Montsalvat", Melbourne, 1974 |
Beatrice Faust, Calton, Melbourne, 1974 |
Lyndall Ryan, Annadale, Sydney, 1974 |

Dianne Small, Colvelly, Sydney, 1974
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